Wherever you may live in the world, a power outage is always a possibility and a concern. During an extended power outage, your home or business loses the ability to control the indoor environment. This leads to many negative downstream effects such as frozen pipes, contaminated food, flooded basements, mold from excessive heat or high humidity. All of these issues can cost you thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars.
A simple solution the Generator Mart team recommends is to invest in a standby or portable generator. By having standby or portable equipment at the ready you will skillfully navigate any power outage leading to a better quality of life for you, your family, and your business.
Standby generators for your home helps to provide power during any grid failure. The standby generator equipment keeps your home safe and comfortable. Generator Mart offers a wide range of standby generators to fit your needs. We recommend working with a local electrician to understand your kW requirements along with assisting in the installation of you standby generator. Our Cummins 20kW Home Standby Generator with a 200 amp transfer switch is a great power solution for most homes. If you need more power, the Generac 24kw Home Standby Generator with a 200 amp transfer switch is a great option as well. Lastly, our Kohler 20kw Home Standby Single Phase Generator with a 200 amp RXT transfer switch is perfect for homeowners living in a variety of climates.
If you’re interested in portable generators, we have a great selection of equipment from the best brands in the world. Our most popular portable generator is the Cummins Onan P4500i Inverter Generator. This inverter portable generator comes with a fantastic warranty along with great support from the manufacturer, Cummins. Customers love how quiet our Onan P4500i inverter generator runs under load. Low sound decibel ratings are common among inverter generators. Another fantastic portable generator option is our Champion 4500 watt wireless remote start inverter generator. This portable generator is built with quiet technology so the sound decibel rating is extremely low.
Standby Generator Or Portable Generator – What’s the difference?
Standby generators are permanent installations – they should never move from their installed location. Standby equipment powers your home’s electrical system through an automatic transfer switch which means it starts automatically. Generator Mart’s standby generators can run on LP gas, diesel, or natural gas, depending on the model. Some models are air cooled while other models are liquid cooled. Liquid cooled standby generators are capable of providing ever more power to the electrical system which helps keep large homes running at full capacity.
Portable generators are not permanently connected and thus offer more flexibility to the customer. Food truck owners, camping enthusiast, preppers along with outdoor enthusiasts would benefit greatly by investing in a portable generator. You can take the portable generator with you wherever you go. For emergency power scenarios, these generators can connect directly to home appliances and lighting fixtures with an extension cord. Portable generators are available at Generator Mart in a which range of power capabilities from 2.5kW up to 15kW. Be sure to use our sizing calculator to help pick the right portable or standby generator for your needs.
Choosing A Standby Or Portable Generator
Your decision in which standby or portable generator to buy will depend primarily on three elements; what you can afford, how much power you need, and whether you need an automatic operation or not.
Automatically operated generators are very convenient and reliable. Customers won’t have to worry about identifying fuel sources. If you’re on vacation the standby generator will automatically turn on keeping your home’s electrical circuits running without any effort on your part. Thus the peace of mind any standby generator owner will enjoy is well worth the cost of purchase and installation.
For homeowners that rarely travel, rarely experience power outages, or live an active outdoor life, a portable generator from Generator Mart may be the best choice
Keeping The Lights On
Long term power interruptions are extremely inconvenient to live through. By investing in a standby or portable generator you can go through prolonged power outages from natural disasters or grid failures with relative ease. Get prepared now before it’s too late by investing in a standby or portable generator from Generator Mart!
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