For the first time in six years of its “AC Rewards Program,” Xcel Energy locked the smart thermostats of thousands of its customers due to what they deemed an “energy emergency.”
For a little background, 22,190 customers have opted into this program where the power company can control your thermostat. The AC Rewards Program from Xcel gives customers a one-time $100 enrollment bill credit and an addition $25 a year if they are enrolled in the program, according to a company statement after the energy emergency lockdown event.
For the first time in six years of its “AC Rewards Program,” Xcel Energy locked the smart thermostats of thousands of its customers due to what they deemed an “energy emergency.”
For a little background, 22,190 customers have opted into this program where the power company can control your thermostat. The AC Rewards Program from Xcel gives customers a one-time $100 enrollment bill credit and an addition $25 a year if they are enrolled in the program, according to a company statement after the energy emergency lockdown event.
The program was put in place to ease strain on the electrical grid on the hottest summer days. Colorado saw a late summer heat wave in early September. During the event the grid experienced an energy emergency, due to high temperatures and a unit at a power plant going offline. The company was not selling energy out of state at the time, Xcel said.
“We understand the need to keep cool on hot summer days and work hard to provide our customers with the energy they rely on," Xcel said in a statement to the media. "Our customers have a choice to participate in this voluntary program that helps them manage energy demands while receiving cash for their involvement."
Customers can opt out of these “control events” at any time, though on rare occasions, system emergencies can trigger an event that can't be overridden. This event in early September was one of those times where participating customers could not opt-out, Xcel said.
Overall, the AC Rewards program has a total of 45,600 customers from Colorado, Minnesota, South Dakota and Wisconsin, out of 1.5 million total Xcel Energy customers.
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